Year Two: Reclaiming my Health

During this tremendous year I asked myself What is wellness? Like anyone wanting to know the actual definition of wellness you turn to the internet. I stumbled across this definition “The quality or state of being in good health.” Any twenty- something year old would rate their health as being fantastic or good because they either don’t look overweight or feel fine.

I’m here to say that wellness is more than being free from sickness, illness and various health conditions. Wellness is a dynamic process of change and growth. We all know the saying that change is the only constant in life and growth refers to change in time and maturity. If these statements are factual why is it that as we age we resist change and fear growth. We have all noticed the trends of society. We want everything fast and cheap, that’s why the fast-food industry in America is a multi-million dollar corporation. The current trends tell us to celebrate taco Tuesday and fried chicken Friday. We are told to get angry when you see a salad that is $10.00 or get disgusted when someone say you should incorporate more vegetables in your diet.

I see so many adults stand by and lose their potential to live a life full of longevity and potential, they invest in their luxury cars, and lovely homes. They often miss one important asset to invest in their bodies. The human body is one of the most diverse and dynamic mechanisms every created. Its intricate workings between the 11 organ systems and trillions of cells are all apart of what keeps us functioning daily. If we don’t take care of the cells organs and systems we will start to develop cancer diabetes and heart disease just to name a few. In my profession I get questioned all the time why is it so expensive to eat health. My response is having a heart attack is expensive, chemotherapy is expensive. Wait until you get the bill for not being healthy. You only get one opportunity, to save your life but you get multiple opportunities to make healthier choices.

I have made it my purpose to help my community rediscover wellness. However, I must begin with myself. During quarantine, I made it my goal to rediscover my purpose in life. I had made every excuses in the book to not workout. My biggest excuses was I have to study for school, if I don’t study I’ll fail every test I take. I didn’t realize that my career’s purpose is health and wellness. How can I teach my patients the importance of wellness and longevity and I’m the complete opposite. I’m starting now! As I grow closer to graduation, I’m getting closer to my personal health goals daily. As I celebrate my “Two Year Bloggerversary” my blog will cater towards a Wellness + Lifestyle Perspective.




The Truth About Wellness