My First 5K: Some tips I wish I would have known

So this past weekend I completed my first 5k. Now if you would have told me I, Porshe’ Minor, agreed to run 3 miles. I would have laughed in your face. In full transparency, I didn’t believe I could do it up until the actual race. I told myself I could actually do it. But let’s rewind to the person who initiated this madness. lol

Back in March, I joined the Atlanta Run Club. I was so nervous to step out of my comfort zone and do something I’m not particularly good at. I have never actually been a runner. However, I decided to try a new hobby. I met three pretty awesome friends, and we were all new to the run club. My friend Landas suggest a 5K around the end of March. I said okay this gives me a couple of weeks to properly train. I actually tried my best to run despite my busy work schedule and being in a calorie deficit. If you're wondering what a caloric deficit is, it’s when you consume fewer calories than you would normally eat. I typically eat around 1,000- 1,300 calories now than I would normally eat around 1,700- 1,900 calories within a day. I will discuss more about this calorie deficit later.

My Training Sessions

At this present moment, during my gym sessions, I only perform high-intensity cardio workouts. This will include the honorable running on a treadmill, the elliptical, stationary bike, and full-body hit workouts. My goal is to lose body weight percentage without gaining muscle so I can see a difference on the scale. I will discuss more about this on my weight loss journey.

“I could give a recommendation for training for a 5K get more outdoor runs than indoor.”

Because the terrains are different you will have the ability to build a different type of endurance level. Also, I know I spoke about this in my last blog post about The Beginner Runner Essentials, but invest in decent running shoes. It provides good support which improved my gait for running. This also helped me run a mile with ease on the treadmill.



I can usually go to bed at midnight and wake up energized by 9:00 am. This particular day I went to a concert the night before the race. I honestly wouldn’t recommend going out the night before. Earlier in the day I was drinking alcohol and I tried to stop drinking by a certain hour so it wouldn’t affect me so badly in the morning. However, I had a blast that night. My motto is live for today worry about tomorrow tomorrow.


Usually, I don't eat heavily for breakfast. I’m personally not a breakfast fan, however, while running you exert a lot of energy so your body needs the proper fuel to keep moving. So instead of a regular oatmeal, I opted for pineapples and half of a protein bar. I also was still contemplating if I would collapse before the finish line so I didn’t finish my very simple breakfast. While I wanted to stay hydrated before the race. I overdid it! Your biggest fear during race day is having to pee while running. My sister would always make a joke saying that the constant motion of running will make you pee your pants. My dear friends, it felt just like that. To my defense, I went to the porta potty before the race started 10 minutes prior.

A helpful guideline is to stop eating two hours before the start of a 5k race and to refrain from drinking water for 20-30 minutes before the race begins.


Remember the Turtle verse the Hare. Slow and Steady will always win the race. Because you are running with people who may have run for years you will be compelled to run your hardest the keep up with the pace. Leading the pack in the beginning is a huge disaster This will cause you to huff and puff during the entire rest of the race as other people pass you.

I wholeheartedly recommend the idea of starting your 5k race slowly, especially if it’s your first one.


Lucky for me, during the Spring of 2024. The world was graced with multiple albums. Some of my favorite artists like Beyonce, Future, and Kayne West (Ye). These albums were perfect due to the tempo of multiple songs. I’ll name a few from each album that really gets you going.

  1. Carnival - Kayne (Ye)

  2. 2 Hands to Heaven - Beyonce

  3. Like that - Future


Being postive during difficult times shows your inner beauty and strength. Instead of beating myself up over not being the fastest or taking multiple breaks. I gave myself Grace. This is the most important factor while running. Never compare yourself with people who have been running for years.

little saying I would say to myself during the race.

Keep going girl!

Damn I made it this far might as well keep going!

This isn’t that bad, im almost finished

I’m a stallion


The MOST important tip I can give you is a reminder that 5k races are supposed to be fun! No matter how difficult a run may feel, not everyone is physically able to run. Being able to is a privilege.

So get out of your head and get grateful!Enjoy the freeing feeling and the wonderful ability you already have. Just simply enjoying yourself can even help you to go faster.


Goli Bites : Chocolate Delights